Reply:i don%26#039;t plant flowers.i killed a cactus once,that%26#039;s when i knew it was time to go plastic.
Reply:Flowers-roses, gardenias, and jasmine... The reward is smelling them...
Plants-Veggies...!!! The reward is eating %26#039;em...!!! Onions, tomatoes, carrots, cabbage, lettuce, pole/bush beans, water/musk melons, peppers, corn,eggplants, , oh, and don%26#039;t forget the strawberries... Sorry, I should have included the fruits too...
Tell us yours...!!!
Reply:My new favorites this year-Day Lillies-very pretty and easy to grow.
Reply:i like carnations,blacked eye susans,daisy%26#039;s,tulips,asters flox%26#039;s, sedums,hostas,burning bush,hibiscus,morning glories. theres alot of different ones
Reply:Crepe myrtles!
They%26#039;re pretty care-free and will look gorgeous for an extended period of time after most other things have stopped blooming. They can be free-form or manicured.
I%26#039;ve been known to plant them in the middle of our fields (as long as the cows aren%26#039;t out) and let them flourish unattended.
They are nature%26#039;s bouquet!
Reply:Well I am done planting because it is getting near fall here. Most of what I have is annuals and they will die off when frost comes..
I like marigolds, begonias, zinnias, asters, cosmos, celosia, dahlias, gladiolas, salvia, impatiens, portulacca.
I like sedum, hydrangea, obedient plant, ornamental grasses, hostas, azealeas, daffodils, tulips, phlox.
Reply:zinnia and cosmos
From seed to beautiful in a few weeks
color all summer
like to be cut and do very well in a vase
Reply:Mine are roses and impatients . I kind of like bleeding heart too . good luck .
Reply:My favorite flowering plants are orchids, roses, and hibiscus. They are so rewarding to grow.
Reply:Roses are my love, but I also adore Peonies, perennial Hibiscus, and Hellebores. They are so colorful with some of the most beautiful flowers on earth. The Hellebores are special in that they flourish in full shade and bloom in the disease
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